Bells and Her Super Cool Aunt

Help Through the Valleys

Try, if you will, to imagine 8th-grade me. If you don’t know me, I grew up in the late 90’s early 00’s. The internet was just becoming a thing, we had MySpace and watched music videos on TV-not online. Texting wasn’t as popular until my late high school years so in my middle school years calling on the phone was our choice of communication. I didn’t even have a cell phone until I graduated in 2004.

If you were to look at a picture of me back from 8th grade and a picture of my niece who is now an 8th grader you would think continents, decades, centuries separated our generations instead of a measly 23 years. Where she is all glamour, makeup, and perfect golden skin, I was braced-faced, four-eyed, pimply, and frizzy. I had no idea how to do makeup or tame my thick curly hair. If awkward was a living breathing creature, I was the poster child. And to top it all off, my middle school years were lonely. I did not have many friends, and sometimes I didn’t have any at all. Surely now that I knew some things about makeup, and about life in general I could bestow those little gems on my niece so that her experience was a little better than mine during those hard years of middle school.

Unfortunately, I don’t think anyone comes out the other end of those pubescent years without just a little trauma. My niece was not the exception. Arabella, or Bells as I call her, is my only niece, and with no children of my own, she’s become my own. I love to teach her about the things I love, I like to spoil her with gifts I think she would like because I like them, I like to embarrass her, she calls me cringy all the time.

Bells is so much like me, and so different at the same time. I find it fascinating. Bells is beautiful, but like so many young ladies, and like myself back in the day, her self-confidence still needs development and reinforcement. She’s still figuring out who she is and what she wants her character to be. Figuring life out at the same time can be tricky. She’s gone through ups and downs with friends, mean girls, social media, family issues, and all the things that our youth are facing in our society today. But through it all, she’s coming out the other end stronger, fiercer, and above all, she’s getting to know God. I couldn’t be more impressed and proud.

So as I traveled to Cheyenne this weekend, I thought it would be the perfect girl’s road trip. Just me and Bells. A girl’s getaway weekend. She made some friends from Cheyenne during youth camp this summer so it was the perfect opportunity to catch up with them, and spend some quality time with her super-cool, definitely not cringy at all, favorite aunt.

The trip was great! Bells and I got to be tourists in our home capitol. We visited the historic Governor’s Mansion, the Cheyenne Botanical Gardens (where I got some lovely shots of my niece in case anyone is interested in scouting her), we even took a trolley tour of downtown Cheyenne where we learned all the wild west history. Well I did anyway, I think Bells might have nodded off a time or two. The trolley has a way of rocking you to sleep.

Church was great too. Destiny Church is across the historic continental railroad tracks in an old brick school building. The service was held in what I believe was the old auditorium, but was renovated to look more like a sanctuary with the old wooden pews installed instead of theater seating. It was very charming and cozy. My niece especially enjoyed the worship service. Praising God is one of the best feelings on earth and getting to see my niece totally immersed in the moment made my heart sing even louder.

Pastor Rick McGraw gave the sermon this particular Sunday morning, and I can give it two thumbs way, way up. My niece was engrossed the whole time. If you know anything about teenagers, that’s a high compliment seeing as how their attention spans usually last about ½ a tick tok clip.

Pastor McGraw said the Spirit led him to preach about Psalm 23. Everyone knows that iconic verse, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for you are with me” Psalm 23:4 ESV. Dealing with life’s valleys was the message this morning. And one we all need to remember again and again. 

Pastor McGraw lined out five facts about valleys. First they are inevitable. Everyone sooner or later will go through trouble in their lives. They will have to deal with the low points of being a human, heartache, hurt, unfairness. It truly is inevitable. “…For he makes his sun rise on evil and on the good, and sends the rain on the just and on the unjust.” Matthew 5:45 ESV Second, valleys are unpredictable. They can last years, they can last seconds, they can change everything, they can change nothing. Third, everyone has to go through a valley, but fourth, valleys are temporary. Eventually they will come to an end. And fifth and lastly, there is purpose in every valley.

I don’t know any middle schooler that hasn’t gone through a valley during that time in their life. Bells was no exception. We didn’t know how hard it would be on her. She went through some rough times with mean girls, she probably was a mean girl herself some of the time. She would develop anxiety like I had never known or seen before. But around every corner there was light. She would eventually exit this valley and purpose showed itself this summer.

Church Youth Camp was a literal God-send. She had never been to a camp before. And I was so nervous for her, but excited that she go, that I myself signed up to help. I dragged her begrudgingly to camp knowing that we might descend into another valley, but praying God would lift us up into the mountaintop. And God always knows what we need, and Bells thrived at Youth Camp.

Bells made friends within the first hour of camp, something she had so much trouble doing at home. She began to open up herself to God’s mighty power and sensitive healing embrace. Her self-confidence grew more than I’ve ever seen it grow before and I began to see her think about life in new ways. Suddenly new ideas about the world and God’s plan for her in it were taking root. Worldly portrayals of life, like how to impress others or how image is everything began to fade away. 

Pastor McGraw gave us an arsenal of tools to use when going through valleys. First we need to refuse to be discouraged because God is with us. We need to focus on God’s power rather than our problem. Next, we need to rely on God’s protection and guidance.

That first night of youth camp I wasn’t sure what to expect. At worship service, the Spirit was moving in a mighty way and I was praying with all my heart that Bells would encounter the God I knew. The God I know loves us, protects us, listens to us, saves us. Unprompted by friends, unprompted by me or her youth leader, led only by God, Bells answered the altar call that night. I can’t begin to tell you how my heart exploded with pure awe at how God showed up that night. His goodness amazes me time and time again.

Youth camp brought Bells closer to God and helped lift her out of the valley she had been in for so long. By focusing on God’s power, protection, and guidance dealing with this valley in life was made a little easier to climb out of. Are all of the problems gone? No. Will there be more valleys to face? Inevitably. But I believe Bells has a new awareness that she is no longer alone. You don’t have to be alone either. God wants to be there for you. Let him protect you and guide you. 

Middle-School Me

 “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?” Matthew 16:26

8 thoughts on “Cheyenne, Wyoming”

  1. Martinez Magdalena

    What a beautiful thing you get to do with your niece cherish the moments they are totally awesome enjoy her as much as the Lord gives you the opportunity for her to be around me at this time

  2. Very well written and made me cry especially your picture at the end. Praying for you always. Love you!

  3. This was just so heart warming to read! Really the amount of growth that she has gone thru wouldn’t have been possible without God! Thank you for being an amazing aunt..we all really look up to you. I love you so much!

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